Crises generate risks for everyone, and these times of pandemic are not the exception. Driven by urgency and desperation, some States make decisions that may affect the wealth of many. We have been working on a daily basis for a decade to avoid some of these risks (forfeiture, devaluation, double taxation, lack of legal certainty, inflation, fiscal voracity, among others).
Our Department of Private Clients & Trusts, among other duties, deals with drafting wills, incorporating and managing companies and trusts, and providing support for obtaining a new tax residency, all of which are extremely useful tools for wealth planning.
Wealth planning consists of determining the most efficient way to own each of the assets forming the wealth of a person (or family) and the most efficient way to transfer these assets to the next generations in order to fulfill the aims of the original owner and to mitigate the aforementioned risks.
Martín Litwak explains, in Spanish, why wealth planning is important: