As you know, UNTITLED is a boutique firm. This means we work with a small team of professionals, each specialized in their respective areas and constantly updated, along with a range of providers that allow us to form strategic partnerships with professionals from other fields and jurisdictions. We provide tailored services, focused on wealth structuring. That is our goal, to enable clients to structure and protect their assets in such a way that they can ultimately relax and enjoy what they do and have garnered.

To achieve these goals, we offer a comprehensive approach, encompassing everything from education for our clients to providing ongoing support once specific goals are met.

What are the steps of this comprehensive approach?

  • Education: we empower our clients with knowledge on the subject so they can make the best decisions alongside our team.
  • Comprehensive advice: both general and specific to the client’s present or future fiduciary structure.
  • Expert execution: we assist in implementing the recommended strategies and structures.
  • Post-incorporation services: we continue to support our clients beyond the initial stages.

Thanks to this approach, we offer highly specialized, personalized, and free of conflict strategic legal advice in wealth planning, corporate structuring, and investment funds.