As of January 1, 2023, certain amendments to the “Business Company Act” (BCA), -the business company law of the British Virgin Islands- enter into force.

The law requires the presentation of financial statements as of 2024 for the year 2023, and access to the information of the directors of the company by other registered agents.

At Untitled, we are ready to support you in adapting to these changes with two services in response to this new need:

  • Corporate Director Service
  • Accounting Service

Click on the following button to see a brochure with the services we provide to support you regarding these changes:

We are also detailing two links of interest with additional information:

The British Virgin Islands will not provide the public with shareholder or beneficial ownership information in 2023. Column by Martín Litwak in Infobae

What is it that we need to know about these amendments?